Sunday, 24 April 2011

Mordor: a little Lord of the Rings stuff.

Most of the wargamers I know in the flesh are of the Warhammer 40k kind.
Some dabble in Warhammer fantasy and Historic too.

But few seem that interested in Lord of the Rings. Which for me is a bit of a tragic shame.
I love the books, and the films. And I love Games Workshops range of models. So seeing as I am suffering from 40k model burnout (tragic I know!) so I have been tidying up and working on some of my Mordor Orcs and stuff. They are nice miniatures and can look beautiful when painted.

So here are some photos.

Mordor Orc command, Captain, Banner bearer, drummer and taskmaster.

Mordor Orcs, There are many more to common (48 in all!) But these are 12 that are finished.

Unnamed Ringwraith

Dark Marshal - One of the named Ringwraiths.

And the best (or biggest for last) Sauron.

Hopefully, I will be keeping this blog updated a lot more with what ever project I am working on at the time.
Gondor later on in the coming week I think :)