Hello I'm Terran. And this is my blog of Doom.
So I am now a member of DakkaDakka Forums. And as such I am going to start doing a proper painting, modelling blog. I will at some point bring about a Games blog too. And actually make some battle reports.
Maybe this will help me to actually maintain momentum too!
So Model wise you can expect to see the following (when I can get a decent light set up! Hopefully by this weekend) For 40k:
Space Marines of my home-brew chapter The Void Knights.
Sisters of the Brazen Thorn
Grey Knights
Various Inquisitors and their lackys
Imperial Guard of the 112th Cadian sector veterans (war-torn, regimentless vagabonds) The 112th War-Mongrels
And anything else that I take a fancy to painting too!
For Fantasy:
Maybe Dwarfs
And filthy ratmen too...
For LotR:
And some Other bits
For other games:
Imperial Battle Fleet
And Maybe a British WWII force and Romans.
At least that is the plan!
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