Friday, 17 June 2011

Vows for July.

Okay so I would like to lay out some hobby vows for the period of July (yes I know there are just short of 10 days till then but I have a rather busy week next week).

So what are my goals.
1) Complete my Grey knight models.
8 Terminators, 10 Purifiers, 20 Power Armoured Knights in various stages shouldn't prove too much of an issue, and the inquisitor is already finished.

2) Finish all the terminators.
Only 15 (might buy another 5 Assault Terminators next month too!) in various stages so again not too hard.

3) I would like to pick up the starter force for either a Warmachine Faction, an Infinity one Or Malifaux.
 Branching out to new games seems like a good idea and these games offer miniatures that I quite like the appeal of. Need to play test them all so I can figure out if the rules work for me.

I guess this kind of sets the next month of hobby up. And I hope to post some pictures as I work along the vows (and hopefully have the momentum to do them! And anything else that I decided on too!)

Till next time.

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