Friday, 17 June 2011

Vows for July.

Okay so I would like to lay out some hobby vows for the period of July (yes I know there are just short of 10 days till then but I have a rather busy week next week).

So what are my goals.
1) Complete my Grey knight models.
8 Terminators, 10 Purifiers, 20 Power Armoured Knights in various stages shouldn't prove too much of an issue, and the inquisitor is already finished.

2) Finish all the terminators.
Only 15 (might buy another 5 Assault Terminators next month too!) in various stages so again not too hard.

3) I would like to pick up the starter force for either a Warmachine Faction, an Infinity one Or Malifaux.
 Branching out to new games seems like a good idea and these games offer miniatures that I quite like the appeal of. Need to play test them all so I can figure out if the rules work for me.

I guess this kind of sets the next month of hobby up. And I hope to post some pictures as I work along the vows (and hopefully have the momentum to do them! And anything else that I decided on too!)

Till next time.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Mordor: a little Lord of the Rings stuff.

Most of the wargamers I know in the flesh are of the Warhammer 40k kind.
Some dabble in Warhammer fantasy and Historic too.

But few seem that interested in Lord of the Rings. Which for me is a bit of a tragic shame.
I love the books, and the films. And I love Games Workshops range of models. So seeing as I am suffering from 40k model burnout (tragic I know!) so I have been tidying up and working on some of my Mordor Orcs and stuff. They are nice miniatures and can look beautiful when painted.

So here are some photos.

Mordor Orc command, Captain, Banner bearer, drummer and taskmaster.

Mordor Orcs, There are many more to common (48 in all!) But these are 12 that are finished.

Unnamed Ringwraith

Dark Marshal - One of the named Ringwraiths.

And the best (or biggest for last) Sauron.

Hopefully, I will be keeping this blog updated a lot more with what ever project I am working on at the time.
Gondor later on in the coming week I think :)

Monday, 28 March 2011

Something New but quite old.

So after reading the thread on DakkaDakka about Ral Partha Miniatures, I remembered I had a few of them. From the 1992 Dungeon & Dragons Dragon Quest Game.

So yeah I have the stereotypical Heroes I guess. So I decided I would take a brake from army painting and such and do some models just for the fun of painting them. So without further ado here are the miniatures before I painted them.

They aren't that bad, nicely detailed for models that are older than I am. They have got lots of little bits of detail and some nice character to them too. (They were copyrighted back in 1985!). And seeing as they are all unique races/units means that I can experiment and play about with painting them how I see fit. Without worrying about them matching as they are all unique heroes too!

The first part of them was basing and picking colours for each one. I did this from both image found on the character cards and from ideals from how such races are described in various old books. They require a lot more work from this point!

The band has begun to take shape by this point and soon they will be complete.

The completed Heros!

:) Enjoy (:

Thursday, 24 March 2011

So a New wargaming blog by me...

Hello I'm Terran. And this is my blog of Doom.

So I am now a member of DakkaDakka Forums. And as such I am going to start doing a proper painting, modelling blog. I will at some point bring about a Games blog too. And actually make some battle reports.

Maybe this will help me to actually maintain momentum too!

So Model wise you can expect to see the following (when I can get a decent light set up! Hopefully by this weekend) For 40k:
Space Marines of my home-brew chapter The Void Knights.
Sisters of the Brazen Thorn
Grey Knights
Various Inquisitors and their lackys
Imperial Guard of the 112th Cadian sector veterans (war-torn, regimentless  vagabonds) The 112th War-Mongrels
And anything else that I take a fancy to painting too!

For Fantasy:
Maybe Dwarfs
And filthy ratmen too...

For LotR:
And some Other bits

For other games:
Imperial Battle Fleet
And Maybe a British WWII force and Romans.

At least that is the plan!